Senin, 04 April 2011


HEY! kali ini gue mau kasih tau pengumuman yang sangat mencengangkan! (sekaligus menyenangkan) my holy package has arrived!!! APAKAH ISI DARI HOLY PACKAGE ITU?!! *jengjengjeng* itu adalaaaaaaah....

ALBUM THE TEMPER TRAP!!!! (maap gambarnya miring)

gue nunggu album itu sampe 1 bulan 1 hari!
itu gue dibeliin sama mama gue di aussie karena gue nyari disini kayaknya udah langka, sekalian gue dibeliin :P
ga tau ya post di aussie ngirimnya lama bin lelet!
anyways, i love it! the best album evaaa! and can't wait for their next album!
Just FYI aja ya, gue sampe pamerin itu ke satu kelas! muahahahahaha
udah ya, besok lagi gue posting ttg koleksi gue ttg the temper trap, they're just some posters and articles of the temper trap, but they mean so much for meeeh!

Special love for my mom :*
Love you mom, see you soon!

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